One-of-a-kind elements
We treat your land like it’s our own
Harvesting timber is a great opportunity to encourage forest growth - when done properly. For decades, Yoder Lumber's Forest Management team has harvested Appalachian hardwood timber on area properties and landowners trust us to keep our promises. Our forest management professionals commit themselves to sustainable forest management and protecting the environment.
Our staff of professional foresters will work with you to develop a customized harvest plan. Our techniques will improve the integrity of your land and conserve your future forestry assets.

Ohio wood products
Did you know that most of Ohio's forest land is privately owned? About 86% of it is owned by families, a small portion of which is actively being managed. This is where Yoder Lumber can help! Many land owners are unaware of the full potential of their land, but our experienced team of foresters is able to help create a custom management plan that will serve you well, long-term.
Fast facts about Ohio woodlands:
- 31% of Ohio is forest-covered
- 96% of the forests are made up of hardwoods
- Ohio timber is growing twice as fast as it is being harvested
- Ohio provides local sources of many hardwood species that can be selectively harvested to promote forest health and protect the environment
- Certified Master Loggers
- Yoder Lumber is certified by the Ohio Forestry Association as a Master Logging Company. This means that we participate in several types of training that include: Best management practices for water quality and erosion control, chainsaw safety, and tree felling techniques, as well as CPR and first aid.

Certified Master Loggers
Yoder Lumber is certified by the Ohio Forestry Association as a Master Logging Company. This means that we participate in several types of training that include: BMPs for water quality and erosion control, chainsaw safety, and tree felling techniques, as well as CPR and first aid.
What are the benefits of selling my timber?
A timber harvest can provide multiple benefits to a landowner. Harvesting can remove poorly formed trees, lower-value species, damaged trees, and mature trees that will provide more growing space for residual trees. Properly harvesting trees will also speed up the rate of growth to residual trees allowing for more frequent harvesting. It will ensure a healthy woodlot and increase the economic potential. Many of our customers want to create a wildlife habitat. Harvesting will also improve access to your property to allow for more recreational opportunities. Most important, a timber harvest will provide all these benefits to future generations.

Ready to sell your timber to Yoder Lumber?
How it works

Step 1:
Our professional foresters meet with you to evaluate your land and timber, then create a tailored harvest plan to meet your goals.

Step 2:
We discuss property tax reductions and make recommendations based on CAUV tax purposes.
Step 3:
We establish property lines and harvest boundaries using Geographic Information Systems Mapping.

Step 4:
All trees to be harvested are marked with paint.

Step 5:
We review our proposal with you, which states the value of the timber and cruise data.

Step 6:
You approve the final harvest plan and once all parties are satisfied with the contract, we finalize the details with clear agreements and a payment schedule.